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    Consultations, Instructional Support, and Teaching Observations

    Our team offers one-hour consultations on various topics, including teaching portfolios, course design, syllabus review, student engagement, assessment, and classroom technology, as well as options for ongoing engagement.

    We also provide observations of your teaching, either in-person or online, which are formative and non-evaluative, allowing you to reflect on your teaching and set goals for implementing new instructional strategies.

    If you'd like to work with us, getting started is as simple as filling out our service request form. We're here to support you in enhancing your teaching and achieving your instructional goals.

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    Presentations, Workshops, and Discussion Groups

    Our presentations, led by CTE team members and Catholic University faculty, offer research-based best practices and practical solutions for your teaching.

    We also host informal spaces where you can discuss new instructional strategies with other Catholic University instructors, share solutions to teaching challenges, and foster fellowship with peers. These gatherings provide a supportive environment for exchanging ideas and gaining fresh perspectives on effective teaching methods.

    Additionally, we offer workshops and seminars tailored to address specific educational needs and trends. Stay connected with our community by registering for upcoming events on our Events page

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    Resources and Quality Review Program

    Beyond our programming and one-on-one support opportunities, we offer teaching-related resources on a variety of topics, from artificial intelligence to student engagement strategies. Browse our offerings on the Resources page

    We have also developed a Quality Review Tool (QRT) with 56 standards across 7 categories to enhance online course offerings. This tool, designed for fully online courses in Cardinal Learn, reviews course design before student engagement; instructors can view the standards in the QRT standards document

    Interested in working with CTE to earn the Quality designation for a course? Reach out to us via the service request form.